Meet Genpo Roshi

Zen Master Genpo Merzel's teaching is rooted in his deep appreciation of traditional Zen and his continuous exploration of ways to integrate the wisdom and insights of both East and West.  Big Mind Zen is the fruit of five decades of practice and teaching, his way of helping people realize and actualize the Buddha's teachings in our everyday lives.

About Genpo Roshi

Genpo Roshi, also known as Dennis Merzel, is an American Zen teacher and founder of the Big Mind process. Here are some of the best aspects of Genpo Roshi:

Innovative Teaching Style: Genpo Roshi is known for his innovative and contemporary teaching style. He combines traditional Zen teachings with psychological and therapeutic techniques, making it more accessible and relevant to modern audiences.

Big Mind Process: One of Genpo Roshi's significant contributions is the development of the Big Mind process. It is a unique approach that integrates Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, helping individuals access different perspectives and aspects of their consciousness.

Emphasis on Integration: Genpo Roshi emphasizes the integration of spiritual practice into everyday life. He encourages students to bring mindfulness and awareness into all aspects of their lives, including relationships, work, and daily activities.

Engaging and Dynamic Presence: Genpo Roshi is known for his engaging and dynamic presence as a teacher. He combines humor, wisdom, and compassion to create a supportive and transformative learning environment.

Ecumenical Approach: Genpo Roshi embraces an ecumenical approach to spirituality. He believes in the unity of all religions and encourages people to explore and learn from various wisdom traditions.

Commitment to Social Engagement: Genpo Roshi is committed to social engagement and encourages his students to apply their spiritual practice to create positive change in the world. He advocates for social justice, environmental sustainability, and compassion towards all.   

His publications include The Eye Never Sleeps, Beyond Sanity and Madness, 24/7 Dharma, and The Path of The Human Being, a novel entitled The Fool Who Thought He Was God, and many DVDs. His book Big Mind/Big Heart: Finding Your Way, has been published in fourteen other languages: Dutch Spanish, German, Russian, Polish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Danish, Korean, and Chinese.  His latest book, Spitting Out the Bones, A Zen Master’s 45 Year Journey, was published in 2016.

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